Minnesotans Set North American Record for Longest Beer Snake

Chalk another one up for Minnesota — we now hold the record for the longest beer snake in North America!

A few weeks ago, Chicago Cubs fans at Wrigley Field formed what some boasted (incorrectly) was the longest beer snake in the world. At an estimated 100 feet long, it wasn’t the longest in the world (we’ll get to that later), though it may briefly have been the longest in North America. It was also a very expensive beer snake. Someone did the math and estimated a cost of nearly $30,000 worth of beer (100ft snake x 2 cups per inch x $12 per cup = $28,800).

In response, the St. Paul Saints and the eight Minnesota craft breweries of CHS Field’s Craft Beer Corner — Castle Danger Brewing, Dual Citizen Brewing Co., Spiral Brewery, Invictus Brewing Co., Modist Brewing Co., Summit Brewing Co., Lupulin Brewing Co., and Blacklist Brewing Co. — issued a challenge: join us Thursday, July 1 at CHS Field as we make our own attempt at the nation’s longest beer snake!

Well, it’s been a week since and we can proudly and accurately report that the thirsty Minnesotans who attended the game did, in fact, break the previous record of 100 foot long beer snake and set a new record with 102 foot long beer snake! “We are proud to report that we were part of setting a new North American record cup snake,” Invictus Brewing Co. posted on Facebook.

“The St. Paul Saints and 10,000 Takes broke the record for the longest cup snake in North America at 102 ft last night at CHS Field,” the St. Paul Saints official Facebook account confirmed.

Minnesota may hold the record for the longest beer snake in North America, but we’re a long way off from the longest beer snake in the world. That record belongs to an international cricket match in 2013 between Australia and Sri Lanka played in Sydney, Australia. During a two hour rain delay, bored fans started two separate beer snakes on different parts of the grounds. The two were eventually joined into one long snake with an estimated length of 574 feet!

Minnesota, we’ve got some more drinking to do!

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